Shell-shocked from a night of everlasting labour, Sheryl cannot muster a “coo” let alone feel anything. Will she find her maternal mojo again?
Sheryl and Steven have always longed for a baby. But nine months of yoga doesn’t guarantee a smooth birth, and Sheryl returns home with the maternal feelings of a clay brick.
Steven tries to reassure her, but living next door to a mother as critical as a gymnastics judge has squashed Sheryl's confidence. She can’t even get up in the morning, let along decide on a name for her daughter.
Steven finds a home, miles from anywhere, and persuades Sheryl it's for the best. However, a modern kitchen doesn’t take away the guilt Sheryl feels for ripping the baby away from her grandmother as ruthlessly as a wax job.
Sheryl retreats into the lost teenager of her past until, that is, her mother needs her help.
Will helping her mother bring out Sheryl’s maternal instincts or squash her like yesterday’s tomato?Three Angry Women And A Baby is the fourth book in the Bellydancing and Beyond series. If you like real-life sagas that make you laugh, then you will love Kerrie Noor's wonderfully funny Bellydancing and Beyond series.
Buy Three Angry Women And A Baby today to watch Sheryl shimmy towards a life worth getting out of bed for.
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