
The Skrews

Poetry Syndication, Issue 2020

Skrews is an independent literary publication that is dedicated to the darker, pain-filled words of poets who've experienced severe adversity, trauma, and tribulation in their lives. While the element of suffering is often held in high esteem in the poetry community, most poets who haven't already created a name go unheard. This publication is here to change this. We are by those, for those, and celebrated by those who are in this very real state of chaos. Issue 002 (The Isolation Issue, 2020), is a collection of forty-two poems from various amateur poets from the United States that have been joined by a few international poets across the world.  The year 2020 has been a particularly trying year, and in respect, these poets have written a wide encompassment of poetry that highlights the subjects of isolation, grief, mental angst, displacement, and much more.

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