
The Living And Talking In Mexico Bundle

The Real Mexican Experience Bundling together both bestselling books, "Mexislang: The Key To Understanding What The Hell Your Mexican Friends Are Saying" and "The Gringo Guide To Moving To Mexico", "The Living And Talking In Mexico Bundle" is the ultimate tool for people looking to move, or hang out in Mexico, as well as talking, interacting and developing bonds with Mexican people.My name is Raúl Jiménez, a native mexican living in Mexico, and someone who has taught spanish online for almost 4 years to people around the world, including Gabriel Wyner, the writer and founder of Fluent forever.This bundle will be useful to people who: Want to know the process and documentation necessary to become a temporary or permanent resident of Mexico. Want to know their money's worth and general cost of living in Mexico. Want to know about safety from the drug war and the most expat friendly places in Mexico. Want to know about real state and housing in Mexico. Want information about working and paying taxes in Mexico. Want to be prepared for the culture shock and the language barrier before going to Mexico. Want to learn Mexican spanish and slang, both modern and old (updated until 2019) Get "The Living And Talking In Mexico Bundle" And Start Living The Mexican Dream Today!!!

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