
How to Choose a Sport?

The International Encyclopaedia of Sport Selection

TO THE READER  I am happy to inform you that the International Sport Selection Encyclopedia has been completed. This is a book about the Olympic sports and contains information on how we can choose between them. The leaders of various international sport federations inspire the readers to choose their sports. During the writing and editing we closely worked with the International Olympic Committee and the international sport federations.The International Sport Selection Encyclopedia was written specifically to promote the Olympic sports featuring on the programme of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics and the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, as well as the Olympic movement itself. The encyclopedia, ‘How To Choose A Sport?’ is illustrated by professional photographs taken in action during the Olympic games. The different sports are listed alphabetically and the information on them is presented in a logical system. It is a guide to choose the sport that best suits our personality and capabilities, thus helping us in making the right choice.To sum up: The sport selection encyclopedia gives a thorough overview on a given sport, providing encyclopedic knowledge and cultural values.The book helps with the selection, not only for the child, but also the parents, teachers, and other professionals involved in physical education. If the required information and the courage to make the decision are given, and the personal targets and requirements are also taken into consideration, we are already halfway to victory. Proper decision-making plays an important role in creating a successful and joyful sport life. Our book provides support for this. Choose well!János Nagyauthor and editor-in-chief of the bookOlympic athlete,European Championship silver medallist in wrestling

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